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  • Henry Paniccia


I have absolutely zero interest in being a professional musician. Maybe, because I’m a drummer, one day I’ll join a group of guys and go to your local dive bar and play covers for $100 a night. Outside of that, I have zero interest in doing what I think all of you are doing.

A large part of it, perhaps the most important end of it, is that I am a pretty private person. I am relatively introverted in my private life (in my professional life I am much more outgoing). While I think that it would be an amazing feeling to play in front of hundreds or thousands of people, it isn’t something that at my core I have a desire to do. Upon this, I straight up do not have the talent.

Know your strengths. Because I love working behind the scenes. I love directing shows. I love taking charge of tours and directing them. I get my fill from a show or tour being successful. Going as according to plan as possible. That is my stage light.

But what about you? Why be in a band? If you want to be famous there is millions of ways to accomplish that. Politics, television, movies, writing, fitness, YouTube, and more. So being famous can’t be enough. That desire will easily change your intent.

What about talent? Sadly, I know many, many bands that have massive talent that will not be heard by thousands of people, like they desire. Even then, is talent enough? Growing up I knew a drummer of a band who was, no lie, amazing. He could rattle off rudiments like it was no ones business. One day, he gave it up. Said he did well with it, onto the next thing. So talent isn’t enough.

What about the desire to be heard? You want people to vibe with you, your music, your lifestyle, your beliefs. But just like being famous, there is a million ways to accomplish this. You could write a book and essentially accomplish the same end result as being in a band, if your desire is to be heard.

So why be in a band? Because you love music, and want to make music. I think that is the best reason to get in a band. If you clutter this reasoning with the desire to be famous, or because you’re talented, or because you want to be heard, I think you will lose direction. At some point, you’ll think about how the grass is so much greener on the other side. You might say to yourself, “hey, I could be a writer, and man that would be so much easier than being in a band.” You still love music, of course, but your other desires will come first.

Have you thought about this? Have you asked yourself why? Did you really explore your response? Were you happy with what you realized?

Don’t take this as discouragement. I am a massive lover of music. I want to hear what you and your band put together. I really do. I’m just curious what motivates you to practice cords on a weekend over going out. It fascinates me.

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